
Development of storage structures, containers and packages for preservation of high moisture local fresh fruits and vegetables

Funded by: BANBEIS, GARE, Ministry of Education
Position: Principal Investigator
Description: This is a three year research project from November 2018 until October 2021. Suitable low cost storage structure and various packages will be developed for storing and transporting local fresh fruits and vegetables.

Milling and Nutritional quality evaluation of dried aromatic rice by two stage drying technique using fluidized bed dryer and tempering followed by inclined bed dryer

Funded by: University Grants Commission (UGC), Ministry of Education
Position: Principal Investigator
Description: This is a one year project from May 2018 to April 2019. Appropriate drying technique will be invented which will yield quality milled aromatic rice.

Design and development of two stage drying technique for drying of high moisture grain

Funded by: Krishi Gobeshona Foundation (KGF), Ministry of Agriculture
Position: Principal Investigator
Description: The research works of this project have been started from March 2017. The aim of this project is to design and develop energy efficient dryer for drying of high moisture grain specially maize.

Processing and preservation of tomato, brinjal and green chili.

Funded by: University Grants Commission (UGC), Ministry of Education
Position: Project Director
Description: This project has been successfully completed. A simple and economic technique for preparing green chili powder has been developed. One article has been published in ISI and Scopus indexed Journal.

Development of smoke free fuel from burnt coal of brick field and peat soil

Funded by: Ministry of Science and Technology
Position: Project Director
Description: The duration of this project was from July 2002 until June 2003. A low cost smoke free fuel has been successfully developed which is suitable for tea stall and domestic use . A comprehensive report has been submitted to the respective Ministry.

Commercialization of fruit and vegetable dryer for drying of local fruits and vegetables and manufacturing of fortified dried products

Funded by: BANBEIS, Ministry of Education
Position: Principal Investigator
Description: To commercialize HSTU Fruit and Vegetable Dryer and dried fruit and vegetable powder fortified bakery products for ensuring nutrition security in Bangladesh